Picture this: you step inside a 10-foot tall metal cage-like apparatus while donning just your underwear. The large contraption starts rumbling and just when you think you’re going to transform into Iron Man, you are asked to step out. You are not Iron Man and you are in fact at an Alton Lane store. Their body-scanning machines, used at every Alton Lane location across the country, take 300 measurements of your body in just thirty seconds in order to produce the most perfectly tailored suit. After your individual 3D body-scan, you will be handed a Bulleit Bourbon (neat, of course) and you will rejoin your fellow groomsmen at the poker table in this legendary man cave tucked away in Manhattan.
Alton Lane is a bespoke menswear brand specializing in suiting for men who might not be thrilled about shopping, including grooms and their groomsmen. The CEO and co-founder Colin Hunter explains, “Basically, our premise is that every guy wants to look good, but most guys don’t like to shop. Whether it’s for wedding or for work, we want to help guys look great without making shopping so terrible.” Which is why each Alton Lane location feels a little different, catering to a diverse list of clientele and the city that they reside in while consistently delivering an enjoyable shopping experience.
“It doesn’t really matter where you live, wanting to look good is universal. The menswear space is this massive $400 billion global industry that hasn’t really taken into account that guys don’t really like to shop,” Hunter says.
Whether you’re looking for a $600 suit or a $3,500 suit, Alton Lane accommodates its customers. If you’re just starting out in the workforce or you’re a high level executive, there’s no wavering between what can and can’t be done. And while the brand’s offerings span a spectrum of styles, so does each man’s knowledge of what they actually need.
“We always encourage people to get two of the same shirt for weddings. Some guys might sweat through the shirt during the ceremony but then pictures are after and then you have the reception. Being able to change into a fresh shirt makes you look better in pictures and gives you that confidence,” Hunter says. While those expert tips are helpful, there are a few tricks that neither brides nor grooms often realize. “Most of the time [our clients] think about what they’re wearing to their wedding, but not the welcome reception or the Sunday brunch or the honeymoon,” Hunter explains.
With a couple’s exhausting to-do list ahead of their big day, the personal consultation that Alton Lane provides allow for the whole wedding party (including the bride) to rest easy knowing they’re in the hands of professionals who can help with every detail. From coloring one button on the blazer to coincide with your specific wedding colors to serving the exact type of bourbon you want while shopping, Alton Lane doesn’t miss a stitch.