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The 7 Summer Musts Of Sean MacPherson

From surfboards to cashmere sweaters, the New York hotelier’s seasonal favorites span a wide spectrum

Between running The Bowery, Jane, Maritime, Marlton and Chelsea Hotels, it’s amazing Sean MacPherson has time to sleep—let alone surf and ride a motorcycle. But for this busy hotelier, his signature board and bike are among the most crucial components to his summer routine. Here, MacPherson shares seven summer must-haves with DuJour.

The Bike

“I’ve owned this bike (a 1964 BMW R69S motorcycle) more than half my life, and it has never disappointed me. Riding it always makes me feel like my past, present and future fit together.”

The Board

“Having grown up on the beach, for me nothing resonates more of summer than surfing alone at sunset.” Channel Islands Al Merrick Surfboards 

The Drink

“Shh… Don’t tell anyone, but I abandoned summer rosé for chilled Beaujolais years ago.” Jean-Paul Brun’s “L’Ancien” Beaujolais

The Baggage

“They’re classic-looking hard cases with leather straps, but they have modern wheels. They come in great colors and aren’t easily confused with every other black suitcase on the carousel.” Globe-Trotter luggage

The Sweater

“I’ve worn cashmere V-necks since I can remember, and they’ve worked in every decade of my life.” mrporter.com

The Jean

“I’m a sucker for originals and, as far as American jeans go, Levi’s started it all.” Levi’s 501’s

The Read

“With all the unending noise of the internet, I always take great comfort in the reliable and contained The New York Times paper edition.”