It was behind-the-camera work like Super Size Me and Mansome that put Morgan Spurlock firmly in the public eye, but his latest project—the CNN series Inside Man—has the filmmaker, activist and producer taking a turn on screen.
The series, which will begin its second season April 13, follows Spurlock as he dives into the topics of the day—upcoming episodes focus on celebrity, immortality and income disparity—and gives them the documentary treatment.
“This season we cover so much good ground, so many good topics—like the opening episode, where we deal with celebrity culture in America and why we are so obsessed with celebrities,” Spurlock says. “Each episode looks at things that affect us in ways that we don’t realize.”
In that opening episode, Spurlock takes a turn as a paparazzi photographer, at one point following Reese Witherspoon to a friend’s house—the spot where the photo on the right was shot.

Morgan Spurlock on Inside Man
“We were just riding along we saw all these paps outside, so we stopped and asked what was going on and they said that Reese Witherspoon was in that house so we got out of the car,” Spurlock says. “I proceed to stand in front of this house just waiting, me and a pack of about fifteen paparazzos who were just standing there. Finally she comes and then its just like everybody springs to action—Click! Click! Click!—and literally she walks out of the house, gets in the car and then drives away. It was such a crazy thing to witness.”
According to Spurlock, Inside Man is only going to get wilder from there.
“I’ve been to prison—not something most people like to brag about—and I worked in a coal mine, lived on minimum wage, picked oranges with migrant farm workers worked in a marijuana dispensary, and sold guns at the gun shop,” he says. “We’ve already started to make a list so that when we start shooting season three, we will get some good ones—but nothing’s locked in just yet.”
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