As an actor, comedian, writer, and overall funny guy, Thomas Middleditch will surprise you
Jason Binn and guests gathered to toast Amazon’s The Widow star’s latest cover at PHD Rooftop Lounge
With a new leading role under her belt and a “leap of faith” outlook on life, Beckinsale is better than ever
Sophie Elgort, Michelle Williams and Rosario Dawson celebrated the photo series and Forevermark Diamonds
The actress on her fight for women's equality in the new American film based on the life of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
This year’s ultimate food festival featured a star-studded roster of chefs and endless foodie activities to indulge in
Henrik Lundqvist is the stylish goalie for the Rangers and a creative mind off the ice
The celebrated photographer collaborated with Homepolish to create an interior sanctuary
F4D’s Founder Evie Evangelou was joined by Amber Heard, Ellie Goulding, Diane von Furstenberg and other industry leaders
This Is Us actress Mandy Moore on her rise from pop star darling to Hollywood’s it-girl