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You searched for : Politics
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Showing 41-49 of 49 Results.
  • Live from the Hill: Dana Bash

    Live from the Hill: Dana Bash

    CNN's chief congressional correspondent reveals the ins and outs of how Congress really operates
  • Reconsidering Romney

    Reconsidering Romney

    With Mitt now streaming on Netflix, here's what everyone learned—or didn't—about the man who could have been President
  • The Fran Drescher Movement

    The Fran Drescher Movement

    “Cancer put me on a tailspin so I could come out the other end of it a rebuilt, reinvented person.”
  • Ralph Nader Lets Loose

    Ralph Nader Lets Loose

    The five-time presidential candidate holds forth on the government shutdown, Obama’s "egocentric" campaign and doing stand-up
  • Thoroughly Modern Meghan

    Thoroughly Modern Meghan

    Young Republicans have found a beau ideal in newly minted TV host Meghan McCain
  • Ed Koch: On Regrets, Gay Mayors and His Legacy

    Ed Koch: On Regrets, Gay Mayors and His Legacy

    In this exclusive interview conducted a few weeks ago, the late great ex-mayor opened up about his years in his beloved New York
  • Rahm Emanuel 2.0: Less Screaming, More Smiling

    Rahm Emanuel 2.0: Less Screaming, More Smiling

    Ranting Rahmbo is gone, but not completely—just ask local teachers. DuJour spends a day with the speed-talking Chicago mayor
  • An Interview with Newark’s Cory Booker

    An Interview with Newark’s Cory Booker

    A profile of a Democratic mayor on the rise—and a look at where he's headed
  • Cathie Black and Kayce Jennings Are Changing The World For Girls

    Cathie Black and Kayce Jennings Are Changing The World For Girls

    Two New York dynamos take on a film project to raise funds to educate young women around the globe
Showing 41-49 of 49 Results.