The Most Beautiful Thing in the World Today: Water

by Natasha Wolff | April 30, 2014 10:26 pm

A fantastic aerial shot of Iceland’s Dyralaekir River[1] on display for last weekend’s Paris Photo Fair in L.A. pointed us towards photographer Edward Burtynsky’s Water project[2]. The river photo is just one image in a series of intricately detailed large-format photographs[3] of natural and man-made bodies of water, taken to portray humanity’s semi-bizarre relationship to the natural resource. Also part of the project is Burtynsky’s fifth book, Burtynsky – Water, and a documentary[4] titled Watermark, shot in 5K ultra high-definition video with award-winning filmmakers Jennifer Baichwal and Nick de Pencier. Check out a trailer for the film below, and more images by Burtynsky.

Stepwell #2, Panna Meena, Amber, Rajasthan, India 9/9, 2010

Stepwell 2, Panna Meena, Amber, Rajasthan, India 9/9, 2010

Pivot Irrigation / Suburb, South of Yuma, Arizona, USA 2/12, 2011

Pivot Irrigation / Suburb, South of Yuma, Arizona, USA 2/12, 2011

Kumbh Mela #2, Allahabad, India, 2013

Kumbh Mela 2, Allahabad, India, 2013

 Thjorsa River #1, Iceland, 2012

Thjorsa River 1, Iceland, 2012


Watch a trailer for Watermark below:

All images © Edward Burtynsky, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery and Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, New York.


More Beautiful Things:

Plants Up Close[5]
Breathing Works of Art[6]
Free-Form Canopy Bed[7]

  1. shot of Iceland’s Dyralaekir River:
  2. Water project:
  3. intricately detailed large-format photographs:
  4. documentary:
  5. Plants Up Close:
  6. Breathing Works of Art:
  7. Free-Form Canopy Bed:

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