A French Chateau's Incredible Revival
Neglected but not forgotten, this estate is receiving the ultimate makeover
Instagram caption: The backdoor opens onto the river, you can hear the sound of water throughout the château.
Instagram caption: The backdoor opens onto the river, you can hear the sound of water throughout the château.
Instagram caption: Snow fell gently overnight.
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Instagram caption: The Pyrénées under a blanket of snow, surrounding the Château...
Instagram caption: New gardeners have arrived!
Instagram caption: Beauty in imperfection. photo courtesy of Michael Megaw.
Instagram caption: Photo by Carla Coulson. @carlalovesphotography
Instagram caption: Look forward to waking up in this room one day: so pretty in the morning light.
Instagram caption: Photo by Carla Coulson. @carlalovesphotography
Instagram caption: Upper floor window reflection. Photo courtesy of Michael Megaw. #chateaudegudanes