by Natasha Wolff | August 28, 2019 3:21 pm
In a world where social media can reveal someone’s entire life story, it is refreshing to see an artist take matters into their own hands, even if inadvertently. Melbourne native Georgia Flipo[1], known as her moniker G Flip[2], had a bit of a tumultuous relationship. From the breakups to the makeups to the drunken attempts to mend a broken heart, the 25-year-old chronicled her story through her debut studio album, About Us. “It wasn’t meant to be a relationship album,” the singer admits. “I wrote so many songs about my relationship with one girl throughout 2017, and when it came time to choose songs for the record, I had all these songs about my relationship. So, I put them in order of how the relationship went.”
The first track off About Us, due out August 30, is “Lover” and Flipo describes it as a Shakespearean exposition that tells the listener what is going to happen on the album without giving away the ending. “It’s very grand and epic,” Flipo says of the track. On “Stupid[3],” the sixth song of the ten-track album, Flipo embraces her conflicted behavior during the relationship while crying out, ‘Why we always actin’ stupid? I wouldn’t wanna do this shit with anybody else.’
When Flipo’s relationship with her girlfriend ended, the two didn’t see each other for nearly a year. “She walked up to my doorstep and I didn’t even know she had been in the country,” Flipo says of her album’s muse. “As soon as we started listening to the songs I wrote about her, she knew they were all about us. That’s why the album is called About Us.”
These emotional and personal anecdotes had been written in Flipo’s bedroom and were played to her bedroom walls. It became a joint decision to release the story of the pair’s passionate relationship. “I had to ask her if she would be okay with me releasing the songs, and she could’ve easily said no because they are so private,” Flipo reveals. “But, since the day I showed her all of the songs, she has never left my side.”
So, About Us is an actual modern love story put to music and I’m not crying, you are.
Flipo started her career in her bedroom in a very DIY style, teaching herself how to record and produce her own songs. It was only fitting that Flipo help another aspiring artist out of their bedroom. “A fan was making YouTube videos on mock artwork for artists. She drew one of me, tagged me on Twitter[4], and I took a screenshot of it because I thought it was a sick cover.” The album cover is a black and white stencil drawing of the top of Flipo’s head with her trademark hat and glasses on. “She didn’t need to do that but she wants to make that her living. She’s hustling and I really value the hard work in that,” Flipo says of the fan. “That’s kind of what I did when I was starting out because I wanted it so bad.”
Flipo’s perseverance and dedication to her art is impressive and obviously has paid off as she’s played legendary music festivals like Lollapalooza[5] this summer and worked with producer Ariel Rechstaid on About Us, whose credits include Haim, Vampire Weekend, and Charli XCX[6]. But, it is her vulnerability and captivating narrative that bewitches listeners across the globe. From the pulsating sound of Flipo’s drums on “About You[7]” to the glittery and uplifting vocals on the final track, “2 Million,” About Us offers a unapologetic look at a relationship through a powerful lens.
Listen to G Flip’s debut album About Us[8] on August 30.
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