New Blooms: Spring’s Best Floral Fragrances

by Natasha Wolff | April 16, 2014 5:15 pm

We’ll go ahead and forget the fact that in mid-April, it snowed (again) in New and celebrate spring’s arrival and our newfound appreciation for the nature with a bouquet—of perfumes, that is. Click on the gallery  to see which flowers are in full bloom in the fragrance world this spring.




Seductive Scents for Him, Her, and the Home[1]
A British Line of Perfumes Lands Stateside[2]
4 Springy Fragrances to Transport You to Paris[3]

  1. Seductive Scents for Him, Her, and the Home:
  2. A British Line of Perfumes Lands Stateside:
  3. 4 Springy Fragrances to Transport You to Paris:

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